I have to say I'm not an expert in this area (giving a critical point to view), but I am going to do my best for this task. Well I think the study programme of my career is very complete but it has a few points that needs to be repaired, like the workload and length of studies, we have to study very hard and until very VERY late (sometime we don't sleep in several days) with the purpose to have good degrees, and is very stressful (I don't say it is all bad, but when affects to ours healthy I'm very worried for my classmate and for myself), my opinion is we have to think a way that prepared study techniques for the news students. And also give more material to study in home, like videos that explain the material (used like complement not in replace of the class) and more tutorial (they don't have so much time, so we have to organize very well ours times and put all the other activities behind).
Other aspect that we need to repair is we need more class room and more libraries with more books because the students' needs more space for studying and learning. Also we need more computers and rooms for these computers. In the past of  the lasts years the level of students are increased in the double I am very worried for these because we don't have the implements to support that quantity, I really hope we can through this problem.


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