My future Job

Well I don't have a job so I don't know much about work (I only work with my parents in they business) and I only have a very small though about I would like to work. I'm a student in University of Chile and I would like to be a successful psychologist, others times I imagine have a flower shop, a farm or a cake shop. But my biggest dream is to successful in psychology

If I work as a psychologist I would like to have a job indoors, but with places to relax and full of trees. I wouldn't like to travel a lot as part of my job, but I would like to have time in my life to travel whatever places in the earth. I wouldn't want to work weekends and do overtime. And definitely wouldn't work wearing a uniform. I don't think it would be bad to work in a team, but I'm scary that wouldn't work with my personality.

Sometimes I thing I would like to work in a government office, other times I thing its better If I work for a big company. I don't very well what I'm going to do in the future but I hope It would be a peaceful and long life.


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