
Essay 2

Animal-assisted therapy In our time exist many different kind of therapy. We have cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT (is a psycho-social intervention), couples therapy (attempts to improve romantic relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts), group psycotherapy, interpersonal therapy, etc. But in this essay we going to talk about animal assisted therapy as a effective way to help people.  The animal assisted (AAT) is a intervention lead by a profesional of health, in this intervention the animal have to completed some specific characteristic (González and Hernández, 2013). This characteristic are essential for the process and included that the goal and objective are designed for a individual practica and is evaluate (Kruger and Serpell, 2006).  The evidence of the benefits of AAT are increased in the last past years, the therapy helps in a lots of ways, like reduce of stress , reduce of cardiovascular problems, behavioral problems,etc.  The animal assisted t...


Javiera Romero is a student in the University of Chile, she has spent the last two years in this university studying psychology. She was born on July 7 in 1998, now she is 20 years old. She is still living with her parents and brother. She is single and doesn't want a relationship at the moment. She was raised as a Catholic, but now she is agnostic, since she believe that there is no definite evidence against or in favor. The name of her father is Arnaldo Romero and the name of her mother is Margot Barra, they are divorced. She has only one brother, Edgard Romero. When she was a little girl, she was very shy and didn't like to talking to people. Her parents was worried because she didn't talk to much with them or other people, but with the time the girl spoke little by little with them. She loves her grandmothers and she could not meet her grandparents. She studied first in the elementary school named "Arturo Matte Larraín" and in high school she studied at ...

Essay 1

The introduction of the K-POP in our lives In this days exist multiples kind of music, in Latin America the most popular kind of music is the reggaeton, cumbia, and salsa. But in the past few years the new generation listen a lot of other type of music, like rock, pop, metal, etc. The most interesting of the new kind of music that the adolescent listen is the  Korean- Popular music (A.K.A K-pop).  The musician of the K-pop music are characterize for being a group (the number of the member of the group can change drastically like 3, 4, 5, or 42, 20, etc.) of singers and dancers. The choreography of this groups are amazing, the coordination of the members is the most perfect thing in the world and the movements are beautiful. Sometime the songs contain  English  phrases  in the lyrics.  The history of Korean popular music can be traced back to 1885 when an American missionary,  Henry Appenzeller , began teaching American and Britis...


The purpose of this report is to inform my internship in the  Clinic at the Weissenhof , I am going to describe and analyse all the aspect about this clinic. With this information I going to make a recommendation with all the good and bad aspect about this place. The  Clinic at the Weissenhof (the name in German is  Klinikum am Weissenhof )  is a  psychiatri c hospital  in  Weinsberg, German . It was opened in 1903 as a royal sanatorium on the public domain of Weißenhof.    Its numerous departments are general psychiatry, gerontological psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, pediatry and adolescent psychiatry, as well as addiction therapy and psycho-therapeutic medicine. In 522 regular beds 13.000 patients are treated annually. The hospital has approximately 1.100 employees, which makes it the largest employer in the area of Weinsberg. In my internship with the Clinic at the Weissenhof, I was assigned in forensic  psychiatry I...

Technology resources and the difficulty to find financing for a project in psychology

In our time the research has become in the most important method in order to know the truth about our world and with this information control the reality. This has been done for the benefit of the people and to make our lives easier. All sciences investigate, usually in the past the government financed this research, but now they are more private companies who do this type of work. Mostly of the sciences who won more money for the financing their research are medicine, physics, biology, micro-biology, nano-biology, technology, etc. On the other hand are sciences that don’t have that amount of money for the financing of the research. They have to cutting back and make projects more appropriate for the money they could receive. In Chile in particular are few inversion in the area of social sciences. In Chile Technology resources and the difficulty to find financing for a project in the area of the social sciences

Email to Stephanie

Dear Stephanie I can tell you many things about Piera. She's 19 and she's studying her second year of psychology in the University of Chile with me. She only lives with her mom and brother; her father doesn’t lives with them. She is very shy and quiet, but at the same time she is very sociable and nice. She spent all her time studying for the test and exams. She doesn't like children very much but she is not bad with them. She likes to play video games and musical instruments in her free time and go out with her friends. She loves Japanese music and tv series, like F.R.I.E.N.D.S or Boku no hero (is a japanese tv series) The only negative thing that I can find is that she is very nervous and low self-esteem, and because of that she is depressive about tinny things.  I hope my email will help you to decide.  Best wishes Javiera 


I have to say I'm not an expert in this area (giving a critical point to view), but I am going to do my best for this task. Well I think the study programme of my career is very complete but it has a few points that needs to be repaired, like the workload and length of studies, we have to study very hard and until very VERY late (sometime we don't sleep in several days) with the purpose to have good degrees, and is very stressful (I don't say it is all bad, but when affects to ours healthy I'm very worried for my classmate and for myself), my opinion is we have to think a way that prepared study techniques for the news students. And also give more material to study in home, like videos that explain the material (used like complement not in replace of the class) and more tutorial (they don't have so much time, so we have to organize very well ours times and put all the other activities behind). Other aspect that we need to repair is we need more class room and more ...