Essay 1

The introduction of the K-POP in our lives

In this days exist multiples kind of music, in Latin America the most popular kind of music is the reggaeton, cumbia, and salsa. But in the past few years the new generation listen a lot of other type of music, like rock, pop, metal, etc. The most interesting of the new kind of music that the adolescent listen is the  Korean- Popular music (A.K.A K-pop). 

The musician of the K-pop music are characterize for being a group (the number of the member of the group can change drastically like 3, 4, 5, or 42, 20, etc.) of singers and dancers. The choreography of this groups are amazing, the coordination of the members is the most perfect thing in the world and the movements are beautiful. Sometime the songs contain English phrases in the lyrics. 

The history of Korean popular music can be traced back to 1885 when an American missionary, Henry Appenzeller, began teaching American and British folk songs at a school. Most specifically the Korean popular music that we can access is development in South Korean. One important thing about the K-pop music is the exploitation and corruption of the industries. The singers and dancer have a strict training session. The private life of this idols are restrain for the industries, they can't have a relationship unless the company is agree with that. The fans in Korea are very extreme they stalkers the group and hacker the company for information about the groups. 

This type of music is very beautiful, synchronize and coordinate, but also have a hug problems like the extortion of the members for the company and the stalking of the fans. The new generation have to see all the parts of this phenomenon and have a critic opinion about the condition that the artist have. 


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