My holidays

The only concert that I had been to is "Soy Rebelde" so I choose to talk about  my best holidays. My best holidays It was the past summer. In the past summer I spent my holidays with my family, my cousins, my brother, my uncles, my aunts, but the only ones that didn't go with me were my father and my mother. My mom went to the beach and my dad stayed at home (they are divorced).
I spent my summer in the farm of my uncle and aunt, this farm is located in Boquial, in the south of the country ( I don't remember exactly where region It is). I stayed like two weeks and it was the best two weeks of my life. Because it was my first time stayed with nature so close, the clear sky, the night sky was full of stars, the beautiful horse (they only have one) and the best temperature, cold. We didn't only stayed in the farm, also we traveled a lot in the area.
I really enjoying this summer, I learn so much and have a lot of adventures.


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